Services Internet
Development of banners static and lively, in diverse sizes and formats, like as: SWF, GIF, JPG, HTML and DHTML.
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Broadcast and Podcast on Audio and Video
We develop personalized solutions for Audio and Video in Broadcast Real Time, QuickTime and Windows Media Player and Podcast for iTunes and Winamp - Streaming on Demand, technology compatible with the operational systems Windows and Macintosh. The requirements of the system are have players installed.
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Developing Applications Android and IOS
We work with design, development, training and consulting of apps. Some of the services are: information architecture, user experience (UX), interface design, responsive web development, Backend / API, infrastructure, security, hosting and monitoring
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Custom Web Development and Programming
We work with custom web development sites, systems, e-commerce, integration, apis, web service, framework, php, mysql, json, xml, jquery, java script, css, html, security and more.
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It is the integration of all systems and processes of a company (countable, supplies and finances) with the objective to generate businesses, they are by Internet or through other half electronic. Through the implantation of new systems, integrating the preexisting systems and to web.
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Allows, through the internet, commercialize catalogues of products for physical people, companies, representatives or distributions, with personalization of prices, packages and payments electronic, besides becoming possible the accompaniment of the status of delivery, conferring for new orders, reports of order of the day, month, week and also of the products more sellers.
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It allows, through the Internet, commercialize and teach courses of diverse areas, for physical people, companies, representatives and among others. The management is made everything for the Internet and browser, where it is possible to register the courses, substances, news, articles, confer reports and among others information for e-learning.
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Network where the accesses it is liberated, of integrated form, the information, services and systems through the internet the previously authorized users.
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Manage Web (CMS)
Manage the content of a site in day-by-day already is not more exclusive task of specialists in technology. If your project of internet contemplate the most current tools of update and publication of content, this task could be executed by the proper users of the system, in the accurate measure of the necessities of your company.
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WebHosting and Register of Domain
Assistance in the choice of the best plan and company of web hosting for the website of your company.
Assistance in the choice of the domain and the best company for register of the domain.
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Hot Site
Sites developed specifically for a product, service or event, where the content of the site is assigned only for the product, service or event.
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Site developed for exclusive use inside of the company for your employees and collaborators. Improves the productivity of each integrant of the organization and reduces the operational costs significantly.
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Sponsored Links
Manage the campaign and do all the monitoring, taking care of everything so that your company does not have any concern as well as meet their new contacts. The main goal of our work is to make its investment resulting in the largest possible quantity of visits and attract new customers for your company.

• Research and guidance for choice of keywords for greater return;
• Creation of effective ads, which draw attention and avoid dispersion;
• Setting Campaign (budget, cost per click, organization of ads, targets, payments, etc);
• Monitoring of constant position of ads and cost per click of each keyword;
• Transmission periodic reports to inform each keyword, the number of times the ad appeared, number of clicks and the average cost per click;
• Analysis of the results and actions to improve the performance of the season.

• Grand reach and visibility: your ad is seen in focus in the major search engines of the country and the world.
• High direction: you reach exactly who is looking for its products and services.
• Full control of costs: you choose how much or spend monthly in the campaign.
• Tracking results: you have at your disposal detailed reports by keyword, where even know how many times their ad was displayed, how many times it was clicked and what was the average cost per click.
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We develop a solution for your company, product or service, where it is possible subscribe and unsubscribe e-mails of your customers via web browser, and the information is filed in a database and through an internal page of administration you will be able to send e-mails in txt or HTML to all emails in this database as if it was sending for one email.
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Search Engine Optimization - SEO
• Analysis of its competitive positioning of
Pesquisaremos and review the sites that are in top positions of the major search engines for their main keywords, in order to define the amount of adjustments needed for the optimization of your site.

• Research and suggestions of keywords
Review its list of keywords and based on research and our experience, sugeriremos other alternative keywords to obtain the best results.

• Optimization of HTML code
Ajustaremos the site structure, limparemos the html code and apply special tags to facilitate reading the content of the pages and indexing by search engines.

• Optimization of the navigation system
Ajustaremos the navigation system in the existing site or build a new system to facilitate the indexing of pages within the site for search engines.

• Optimization of the content of text
Swedish, guidance or creation of texts that are simultaneously good for the visitors (texts sellers) and for search engines.

• Creation of titles and meta tags
Securities and meta tags well written and applied correctly have important influence on the positioning of a site, and attract more visitors. We use our experience to create titles and meta tags for each page of your site.

• Register sitemap on major search engines

• Development of xml file / feed to optimize search.

• Creation of internal links to redirect the page
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Payments Gateways
We implement in your web site, e-commerce, e-business, e-learning and etc ... payments gateways such as: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Visa Electron, Rede, Cielo, PayPal, PayU, PAGSEGURO, MercadoPago, F2B, Boleto Bancário Banco Itaú, Boleto Bancário Banco Bradesco, Boleto Bancário Banco Santander, Boleto Bancário Banco Caixa Econômica Federal and Boleto Bancário Banco do Brasil
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They are sites with a great content of information, the management and administration can be made via web browser.
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We develop solutions for the standardized format world-wide RSS, that it functions with language XML (Extensible Markup Language), and is used to share content Web. It allows, for example, that the manager of a site of news creates an file XML with last news published, with the purpose to more quickly share them with your readers. This file could be read through any tool that is capable to understand the format XML of RSS.
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Site on Mobile and Tablet
Now is possible have access the site of your company through any mobile. We develop solutions in the languages of programming wap, HTML and asp, integrated with database, so that the site of your company, job or product to be visualized by anybody via mobile.
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Web Marketing
Register of the site of the company in the greaters and more efficient mechanisms of search (in the internet), national and international, to improve the positioning of your site in the results of the research made for the users.
Development of banners, pop-ups, newsletters and among others half advertising executives for web.
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Web Site
We can imagine a site institucional as being a "electronic magazine" of the company of the customer, in which complete information on products, services can be avaliable, performance areas, of geographic, tables of prices, manuals technician and everything what will be necessary to communicate the profile of the company to the visitor or user of the site.
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Website Support and Management (WSM)
We have efficient tools for the management of the content of any type of internet project. We are prepared to adapt, reformulate or give continuity to your project of internet, making with that your company has a project of internet with information always to be update. Independent of the phase where it is your project of internet, we can manage it using our methodology of work.
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Internet Banners Broadcast and Podcast on Audio and Video Developing Applications Android and IOS Custom Web Development and Programming e-business e-commerce e-learning Extranet Manage Web (CMS) WebHosting and Register of Domain Hot Site Intranet Sponsored Links Newsletter Search Engine Optimization - SEO Payments Gateways Portal RSS/XML Feed Site on Mobile and Tablet Web Marketing Web Site Website Support and Management (WSM)